


随着2023年春季学期的结束, we thought it would be a great time to offer a few updates on the Blugold Biomedical Innovator Scholars program.

我们最激动人心的奖学金之一, the Biomedical Innovator Scholars program annually pairs 10 incoming first-year students who plan to pursue a career path in health care or biomedical science with a UW-Eau Claire faculty mentor on a research project in collaboration with a Mayo Clinic Health System physician or clinical researcher. 

无与伦比的学术和职业前经验, this unique program immerses students from day one in the groundbreaking undergraduate research the 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校 has become known 为. 它还提供了一个“四年窥视”医疗保健和健康科学专业, not just as an onlooker but as a colleague on research projects with the potential to directly impact patient care and outcomes.

我们邀请了前三个小组中的一位创新学者向我们介绍他们项目的最新情况, their 经验s so far and the ways in which they see this program shaping their goals and options 为 the future.


研究导师: Dr. 杰米Lyman-Gingerich她是生物学副教授

博士的研究. Lyman-Gingerich's lab is ongoing and Blissenbach will be one of dozens of Blugolds continuing collaborative research on campus throughout the summer.

"UW-Eau Claire’s research agreement with Mayo Clinic Health System was one of the main reasons I applied to the university. 梅奥诊所是世界上最好的医院之一, 因此,知道它与我们的本科研究密切相关是令人兴奋的. Doing research at 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 in this collaboration is a fantastic opportunity to have in preparation 为 graduate school 为 biomedical research,布里森巴赫说. 

"The Biomedical Innovator Scholarship piqued my interest because it guarantees the ability to start this level of research in my first year on campus. To graduate with four full years of biomedical research 经验 will be the best way 为 me to narrow down graduate school and career paths.

The project I am part of examines biological variants of unknown significance to determine if they contribute to a certain degenerative eye disease and Dr. 杰米·莱曼-金格里奇是我的导师. 她不仅帮助我学习如何研究,也帮助我适应大学生活. 她能灵活地配合我们的日程安排,让我能平衡上课所需的时间, 研究和我的其他活动.  

我希望从事免疫学方面的工作,即疫苗开发. 我一直对病毒和疾病很感兴趣, 所以能够帮助找到治疗方法的想法让我很兴奋. 然而, 因为我要接受很多教育, 这种情况有可能会改变,我可能会找到我感兴趣的其他东西. 不过现在,我正在为自己在疫苗开发方面的职业生涯做准备." 

Blissenbach的导师Dr. 生物学副教授杰米·莱曼-金格里奇:

“本学年伊斯顿是我实验室唯一的生物医学创新学者, 他还能从一群敬业、才华横溢的研究人员那里学习. 他对研究充满热情, 再加上他强大的学术能力, 伊斯顿从一开始就渴望深入研究的挑战,莱曼-金格里奇说. 

“The support 为 undergraduate research on this campus allows student researchers like Easton to go beyond what they are learning in the classroom, 与校园内外的科学家建立联系, and to develop skills that will serve them well whether they choose a career specifically or research or pursue other avenues as professionals.”   

二年级学生:Paige Drazkowski

研究导师: Dr. 大卫·朱厄特心理学教授

Paige Drazkowski在圆形大厅的研究
2023年3月, Paige Drazkowski was one of nine Blugolds to present collaborative student-faculty research at the annual Research in the Rotunda event, 这是西澳大学系统的一项活动,旨在庆祝学生研究对该州经济增长的贡献.

“这是我第二年在这个项目中与Dr. 朱伊特在他的神经科学实验室. Last year we were studying the effects of food deprivation on rat subjects in relation to an antipsychotic drug called clozapine,德拉兹科夫斯基说. 

“今年, 我能够完全专注于我们当前的项目, which has been to determine if an educational intervention per为med by Mayo Clinic orthopedic staff reduces postoperative opioid use following common hand surgeries. 到目前为止,我在这个项目中的角色是寻找相关的研究文章和撰写文献综述. 这项工作将有望导致发表一篇文章与博士. 朱伊特和梅奥诊所的医生. 小何塞·奥尔蒂斯.

太不可思议了,大学才两年, 我曾在神经科学实验室研究一种抗精神病药物, 与澳门葡京网赌送彩金的一名教员和梅奥诊所的一名整形外科医生合作. 进入这个项目时不知道会发生什么, 作为一名本科生,我从来没有想过我能做这样的事情.

作为一名第二年的研究人员,最大的不同是更密切地参与研究. I learned more about the background research of our project and started working on writing the article about our findings. 今年,我真的感觉我们是一个团队. 今年3月,我也有机会在麦迪逊的“圆形大厅研究”活动上展示我们的研究, 和立法者讨论这个项目. 这对我来说是一个里程碑,对我作为一名学生研究员的成长有很大的帮助.

因为在生物医学创新项目中与这些专业人士密切合作, 我现在可以真正想象自己是未来的医疗保健专业人员. 和博士一起工作. 朱伊特和琼斯博士. 奥尔蒂斯培养了我对护理和医疗保健领域的热情."

Drazkowski的导师Dr. 心理学教授大卫·朱伊特:

“The emphasis on student-faculty research is one of the important factors that led me to move from a small private college to UW-Eau Claire, 西澳大学系统的本科研究卓越中心. The collaboration agreement between 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 and Mayo Clinic Health System of Northwestern Wisconsin and the Biomedical Innovator program continues that excellence,朱伊特说. 

“It is exciting to work with first-semester college students so engaged in the research process and help them develop as student scholars. Paige has worked with me 为 two years; seeing her develop as a student researcher, moving through the process from project ethics and experimental design to the stages of data analysis and presentation has been fun to be a part of.”


研究的导师 Dr. 道格拉斯·马修斯心理学教授

Taking part in a Mayo Clinic simulation called "Behind the Red Line" with Blugold Biomedical Innovator Scholars was a thrill 为 Rossmann who says these 经验s will be a major boost in her CV when applying to medical schools next year.

“在我参加生物医学创新学者项目的三年里, 我参与了博士的不同项目. 马修斯的实验室. 他们都是澳门葡京网赌送彩金酒精使用和成瘾的研究, 识别消费导致的各种行为变化. 我们做了一项澳门葡京网赌送彩金终身饮酒的纵向研究, 澳门葡京网赌送彩金酗酒的研究我们目前正在研究低剂量酒精的影响,罗斯曼说. 

“作为实验室经理, 我监督实验室里所有的动物项目, 包括动物护理和维护, 行为测试表现, 资料收集及检讨, 最后是出版物的写作和编辑. 我们在所有研究中都使用大鼠作为研究对象.

到目前为止, we have found adolescent alcohol exposure produced subtle cognitive deficits that lasted throughout the lifespan and aged rodents are significantly more sensitive to the effects of alcohol compared to younger animals. 最近,我们正在缩小老年人饮酒与下降之间的联系, 通过行为数据和大脑中蛋白质的分析. 

I presented my research at the national research conference 为 the Research Society on Alcohol this past summer. 这是一次奇妙的经历, 了解更多澳门葡京网赌送彩金酒精使用和滥用研究领域的信息, 与世界酒精研究领域的领导者会面并交流. 进来, 我不太确定该对这个项目有什么期待, 但我很高兴能和梅奥诊所的医生一起做研究.

Participating in the 'Behind the Red Line' trauma simulation during the National Conference 为 Undergraduate Research (NCUR) let me take on the role of a physician, 让我们得以一窥创伤和急诊医疗专业人员的生活. 医学研究的职业生涯将是长时间的收集和分析数据, 但是这次经历告诉了我, 最后, 当你意识到你的研究对病人护理的重要性和影响时,这真的是值得的."

这是罗斯曼的导师. 心理学教授道格拉斯·马修斯:

“吉莉安带着一种‘被扔进水池的深端’的紧张心情加入了实验室. Over the years I’ve seen her develop from a first-semester student trying to figure out how to do college to a growing independent researcher who presents data to directors of Alcohol Research Centers at major R1 universities around the world. In her time as an undergraduate in the innovator program Gillian has moved from being a student to being a colleague whose thoughts, 意见, 经验, 生产力受到尊重,马修斯说. 

“具体到这项研究, 吉莉安在数据收集方面发挥了重要作用, data supervision and dissemination of the results in terms of presenting data at national research conferences and in peer review publications. Gillian has been a co-author on three peer-reviewed papers to date and will be a co-author on an additional two papers to be submitted within the coming months.”

要了解有关Blugold生物医学创新学者计划的更多信息,请参阅 程序的网页. 你也可以在网站上看到项目中所有30位学者的简要介绍 当前学者页面
