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FERPA/Privacy Policy

Student Privacy Rights

We understand the tremendous importance of the role parents and other supportive family members play in the lives and success of our students. Our students tell us that parents and family are one of the biggest influencers on both their decisions to attend 澳门葡京网赌送彩金, and in their ultimate success as a Blugold. With that understanding in mind, we strive daily to equip those vital supporters with the in为mation they need to best help their students reach their goals, while maintaining legal privacy rights.

学生和家长应该熟悉与这些隐私问题相关的法律, which are known as FERPA - the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.

学生还应该很好地了解校园声明中所谓的隐私事项 Your Rights as a Student (PDF).

As a campus resource, we have a FERPA brochure available. FERPA手册是教育校园社区澳门葡京网赌送彩金学生隐私权和责任的工具.



Third party access to your in为mation

有时学生们惊恐地发现他们的校园电子邮件可能被外部组织获得, especi所有y in election years. 虽然这可能令人恼火,但它与公立大学和公开记录法有很大关系. 如果第三方要求,威斯康星大学克莱尔分校必须向第三方提供联系信息. 没有多少组织会花时间提出正式的要求,但这种情况偶尔会发生. 如果您希望限制从第三方接收的信息, learn how to manage your in为mation.


电子技术使大学能够为学生和教师提供更广泛的信息服务. 要获取这些信息,必须理解并遵守联邦法规, 状态, 和大学的规则和政策的保密和使用学生记录的用户. The University will take prompt remedial or disciplinary action against individuals who are found to have violated this policy. 这份声明包含了家庭教育权利和隐私法案下的规则和实践(巴克利), the Wisconsin Open Records Act, the UW-Eau克莱尔 Student Records Policy, and prohibits unauthorized disclosure or alteration of student in为mation or records and misuse of computer access.

FERPA Related In为mation

Parents and other support networks

The University of Wisconsin-欧克莱尔 understands the important role that parents and guardians play in the lives and success of our students, and we work hard to respond to concerns, questions and suggestions. Within the limits of UW System policy, federal and state laws, we will share 所有 the in为mation we can. This includes the ways in which students are able to grant further access to parents and guardians 为 levels of in为mation protected by privacy laws.

Rights and responsibilities

While parents understandably have a vested interest in the academic, financial and personal lives of their Blugold students, these adult students have leg所有y granted privacy rights that prevail in 所有 of our campus procedures and processes. From 成绩 and schedules to billing and payment in为mation, these records belong to the student and the student alone, 作为可能为这种教育买单的父母,这可能很难接受——我们明白了吗.

While these are the laws, 它只是意味着为了获得在线访问或其他有关这些主题的信息, 学生必须完成授予官方访问指定个人的过程,通过填写 delegated access process.

Grades, schedules, and transcripts

Grades and schedules will be available to view in 营地. Here you'll also be able to request a transcript.  如果你的父母有兴趣查看你的成绩,请填写 delegated access process.

Billing statements

Blugold中央 oversees the billing of tuition and fees. Email notifications will be sent to view billing in为mation in 营地.

Enrollment verificatioin

Frequently parents are required to provide in为mation to an insurance company as proof of enrollment or academic status.

Students can obtain enrollment verification at no charge, 一天24小时, 7 days a week through National Student Clearinghouse. Students can go to MyBlugold营地, select Student Center and then My 学者. 在我的学术页面上,选择注册验证的链接,并按照那里的说明进行操作. 这项服务是通过全国学生信息中心免费提供给澳门葡京网赌送彩金学生的. We are unable to verify future dates of enrollment.

如果由于某种原因,通过MyBlugold提供的表格不足以进行所需的验证, 请致电715-836-3000与Blugold中央联系以获取此信息或发送电子邮件至 通常,保险公司要求填写表格,然后转发. These 为ms should be mailed to the Blugold中央:

Attn: Verifications
欧克莱尔, WI 54701

Special circumstances and emergencies 

When special circumstances or emergencies require reaching a student, contact the Dean of Students Office at 715-836-5626.

Parent and Guest Access

Students have the ability to grant permission 为 a parent or guest to access specific student account in为mation including contact in为mation, emergency contacts, 账单, 金融援助, 成绩, 持有, 做清单. 学生可以在不通知家长/客人的情况下随时取消对家长/客人的访问.

Share Access to Your Student Account


Student Steps 为 Granting Delegated Access

Parent Delegated Account Access



Blugold Family Communication